TR LOG: Contest Logging Software 
by N6TR
TR LOG is high-performance Amateur Radio contest logging software designed to meet the demanding needs of the world's top competitors. TR LOG makes the process of logging contacts as efficient as possible - so you make more contacts.

TR LOG: Elegance, Simplicity, and Performance
- Supports over 60 contests, and is configurable for many more!
- Intuitive, modal interface design optimized for both "running" and "search & pounce".
- Window-less interface presents the most important information possible at all times - no need to ever reach for a mouse!
- Intelligent data entry requires fewer keystrokes and gives you more time to focus on your contest performance.
- The ultimate logging program for two-radio, single-op contester.
TR LOG is authored by CQ Contest Hall of Fame contester Larry "Tree" Tyree N6TR, featured here on the cover of the June, 2000 issue of CQ Amateur Radio magazine. First licensed in 1967, Tree was honored as the 2003 Hamvention Amateur of the Year for his role in founding the Kid's Day operating event.

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Last updated: 20 October 2006