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Release Notes
Version 6.82 - 10 September 2006
This is the first real release since 6.78 - consider it a beta release
as there are probably still some rough edges.
The following features are *broken* or are removed at this time:
- Serial Invert is probably not working.
- The DVK has been removed for the time being.
- The packet file feature is not implemented.
- The GOTOLASTCQFREQUENCY command is probably not working.
- There was a lot of work done to improve the bandmap's performance
when dealing with split frequencies. However, I don't think it is
all working yet - YMMV.
This version contains a COMPLETE rewrite of all of the radio interface
code. It has not been tested with all of the possible radios - so please
let me know if you find a problem with your specific radio. I believe
that it works fine with Yaesu FT1000's and Kenwood radios. I just do not
have the other radios around to test.
I used this version in the September CW Sprint - with two TS850s interfaced
and I am not aware of any problems.
In general the .CFG commands are the same - but there are some minor
differences you might find. Here are some of them:
COMMAND PAUSE - available on the control-J menu.
(but allowed old commands in .cfg files). This groups the radio
commands together in the Control-J menu nicely.
- Added RADIO ONE TIMEOUT and RADIO TWO TIMEOUT. The value is in
milliseconds. The default value for this depends upon your radio
type. These parameters are available in the control-J menu. This
replaces the Kenwood, JST, Icom, Yaesu and other radio specific
- Instead of RADIO.DBG and TALK.DBG files, we now have individual debug
files for each serial port. These files are enabled by starting the
program by typing TR SERIALDEBUG, or by having SERIAL PORT DEBUG = TRUE
in the config file. The files are named COMxOUT.BIN and COMxIN.BIN
where x is the serial port number (1-6).
- Changed default value of USE BIOS KEY CALLS to FALSE.
If you find a command not working - check out the Control-J menu to see
if you can find the new one - or send me an e-mail to tree@kkn.net and
asked what happened.
There is a new option to display only multipliers in the bandmap, but
this option doesn't actually do anything yet.
Version 6.79 - 22 November 2003
- Made ActiveBand and ActiveMode only get updated from radio frequency
information if not NoBand and NoMode.
- Fixed bug with CQ on RadioTwo being inserted into the bandmap on
RadioOne's frequency.
- Fixed > character not working on SSB.
- Added KeyCode startup command - will display the key code information
for keys on the keyboard as you type them. This is used to understand
how to tell keys apart that give the same ASCII result.
Version 6.78 - 24 October 2003
- This is a TR-only release that fixes a small bandmap bug. If you are
trying to grab a spot in the band map that is for the band that the
active radio is on, previous versions would send that spot to the inactive
radio. This version checks to make sure the active radio isn't on the
same band as the spot, and if so, will send the spot to the active radio.
This fixes a bug were 160 meter spots were not working correctly with
only one radio hooked up - since the "inactive radio" comes up on 160
Version 6.77 - 22 October 2003
- Added new method for detecting incomplete messages from the radio.
Made this an option by using the "FILTER RADIO MESSAGE LENGTH"
parameter (control-J) with the default set to FALSE. You might
turn this on if you are having pccasional problems with strange
frequency or band results from your radio interface.
- Fixed packet spot frequency not using current radio frequency.
Version 6.76 - 20 October 2003
- Fixed incorrect time on logged QSO when using HOUR OFFSET <> 0.
- Many K1EA network enhancements:
- Added support for packet commands. TR can even be running on the
computer the TNC is hooked up to if you want.
- Added support for bandmap commands.
- Do not pass note log entries (Alt-N) to the network.
- Fixed K1EA STATION ID in config file (was STATION ID).
- Added support for K1EA pass and run frequency display in multi info
display. This display is shown either at the bottom of the bandmap
or in the editable log window when you press Control-E.
- Implemented PASSFREQ command by typing in \PASSFREQ in the call
window. Allows you to enter the frequency you want multipliers
passed to. Run frequency gets sent automatically when pressing
F1 or F2 in CQ mode.
- If using K1EA network, Alt-D will allow you to pass a station.
Version 6.75 - 12 October 2003
- Added ORION Radio type. It mostly works. I have sort of implemented
the RIT SHIFT keys by moving the RIT to fixed values of -200 or +200
when the left or right shift key is pressed.
- Fixed up ARRLSECT.DOM with NT for the VE8/VY1 section name. Note that
you will now have to enter NTEX or NTX for the North Texas section.
- Minor changes to CALQSOW6.DOM to allow MARN and SCV to show up in
Marin and Santa Clara counties. Same for SCV in CALCTY.DOM.
- Removed LEGACY RADIO IO MODE. The program should now work fine without
it. Please report any radio control issues that you see with this
version. There might be some slight performance degradation with
Kenwood radios. Also note that the frequency display on Kenwoods will
disappear if you are continuously tuning the radio. This is because
the radio will not respond to frequency requests while it is being
tuned. When you stop tuning, the frequency display should reappear.
You can increase the KENWOOD RESPONSE TIMEOUT if this bothers you.
However, increasing this will slow down the program if your radio is
off. This can be fixed by disabling polling in the Control-J menu.
- Added 19200 and 57600 baud support to the loopback test (TR LOOPBACK).
- Added SENT ALT-D SPOTS TO PACKET (control-J, default = FALSE). When
you use Alt-D to do a dupe check on the second radio, the program
will automatically generate a packet spot.
ADDER RADIO TWO. The old FREQUENCY ADDER command will set both
radios to the same frequency adder.
- Added ALT-D BUFFER ENABLE parameter (control-J - default = FALSE) to
control Alt-D buffer feature added in 6.73.
- Added UNIXTIME start-up command. Allows you to enter integer UNIX
time and get year, month, day, hour, minute, second, or vis-a-versa.
- Added K1EA STATION ID - which is a character used to identify the
computer on the K1EA network.
- Added K1EA NETWORK ENABLE (default false - control-J) which makes TR
talk K1EAish on the network port. This supports logging, chat and
time sync (receive only). Packet and other commands to be added
soon. If you can hook up packet to CT, start TR with NETDEBUG and
after receiving some spots send me the NETIN.BIN file, it will help
me get the packet stuff added.
Version 6.74 - Released 31-Aug-03
- Added LEGACY RADIO IO MODE (available on Control-J - initial value =
FALSE). When TRUE, this backs out some of the recent changes made
to the Icom and Omni-VI radio communication. It should work the
same as versions before about 6.69.
- Added WAE Cabrillo support. Also made 4 digit time get logged in
WAE files even if using QTC MINUTES.
- Made IARU and CQ contests ask for ARRL section if in W/VE for
- Fixed problem with exchange window and bandmap - only being able to
enter one letter.
- Fixed simulator in FD not sending sections.
- Added REGION ONE FIELD DAY to Cabrillo - using same template as WPX.
Version 6.73 - released 10 June 2003
- This is the last release from work done by KK1L - thanks Ron for
keeping things going during my "sabbatical". Also, this couldn't
have been possible without the team of beta-testers that helped
work the bugs out of many of these new features.
- Fixed a problem with initial exchange for rover calls.
- Fixed RESCORE command line option from aborting when DVP ENABLE = TRUE
and DVPTSR or SBDVP were not loaded.
- Fixed AutoSAPEnable so S&P mode is only entered when changing
frequencies within the same band and mode. Band changes and mode
changes no longer trigger S&P mode.
- Added OMNI6 and OMNIVI radio types. Removed the strict communications
checking which caused trouble for some Ten Tec Omni6 users. ***THERE
- INITIAL EXCHANGE OVERWRITE now controls overwrite action for all
initial exchanges, not just custom ones. The default remains FALSE.
- The install program now asks if you would like
added to CONFIG.SYS.
- A tone is no longer produced when using left CTRL-SHIFT as a PTT. If
TUNING WITH DITS = TRUE a tone is still produced.
- It is no longer possible to send a CQ frequency marker as a packet
spot. (Even though CQ markers do not show up in the call window from
the band map anymore.)
- An initial exchange now includes a space as the very first character.
With INITIAL EXCHANGE CURSOR POS = AT START you would have to remember
to add a space before hitting Enter to log the contact. This makes
logging more consistent.
- CTRL-A can now be used to send many commands to the inactive radio (in
addition to sending CW or DVP/DVK messages to the inactive radio
already supported). Commands supported at this time are:
Put the CTRL-A within the CTRL-C/CTRL-D pair. For example
<03><01>NEXTBANDMAP<04>. HINT: To be consistent with the keystrokes
CTRL-PageUp, CTRL-PageDown (CW Speed), and CTRL-Enter (for freq
control) operating on the inactive radio you might want to program
Fx to be <03>NEXTBANDMAP<04> and CTRL-Fx to be
- Mixed mode SO2R now works.
- Fixed deleting a log entry (using ALT-Y) not properly updating the
dupe status of the subsequent band map entry if it was not the
active band/mode (ie. made using ALT-D).
- Fixed CTRL-PgDn/CTRL-PgUp to use CODE SPEED INCREMENT value.
- Direct frequency entry for inactive radio using CTRL-Enter. You can
now enter a frequency directly into the inactive radio right from
the call window just like you would for the active radio. Just use
CTRL-Enter to enter it rather than Enter.
- Can set the frequency of the B VFO using the direct frequency entry
in the call window by ending the frequency with "B". This works with
the new CTRL-Enter frequency entry to control the inactive radio as
well. Examples: 14250B, 250B, 14.250B.
- Enhanced support of the band map with the inactive radio. Call, band,
and mult needed information will show up as you tune the inactive
radio. The band map call is also loaded into the ALT-D buffer (dupe
check on inactive radio). The band map call is automatically filled
in for you when doing ALT-D. You can overwrite it by typing a new
call. AUTO S&P ENABLE SENSITIVITY effects the tuning sensitivity
in the band map for the inactive radio. Setting this value to 100
really improves operation. I am working on fixing the program
so tuning the inactive radio works like the active radio.
- Added TUNE ALT-D ENABLE option to the CTRL-J menu and
LOGCFG.DAT. When in CQ mode on the active radio the band map call
of the inactive radio is automatically entered to be ready to work
on the inactive radio with the space bar (if not a dupe) as you
tune the inactive radio. The default is FALSE.
AUTO S&P ENABLE SENSITIVITY effects the tuning sensitivity
in the band map for the inactive radio. Setting this value to 100
really improves operation. I am working on fixing the program
so tuning the inactive radio works like the active radio.
- Super Check Partial is active when using ALT-D (if SCP is enabled).
- ALT-D messaging has been improved to try and keep the operator
informed of the state of SO2R condtions. The function has remained
the same, but the messaging is more thorough.
- Added a frequency display for the second radio. The frequency
of the active radio is highlighted, while the frequency of the
inactive radio is dimmed.
- Added color selection for the radio name window when each radio
backward compatibility the original RADIO WINDOW COLOR and
BACKGROUND will set both radio one and radio two colors. Remember
these statements need to come before the "DISPLAY MODE =" statement
in LOGCFG.DAT to have an effect.
- Fixed a shift key tuning bug when K2 radio was defined.
- Michigan QSO Party support improved. RST is no longer included in
the log. A QTH is required as part of the exchange even for DX
stations sending "DX". "DX" will be shown incorrectly as a mult
on TRLog. Cabrillo generation fixed per K8CC.
- POST Cabrillo generator will correctly generate M/2 entries for
- Fix scoring for CQ VHF contest. Now only 6m and 2m count.
Version 6.72 - released 25 December 2002
- Updated ALT-P message entry to recognize hex codes entered between
< and >. Now for example <03>EXCHANGERADIOS<04> will be interpreted
correctly when entered using the ALT-P menu. You can still enter
control characters directly when preceded by CTRL-P as before.
- Fixed flashing frequency display when using the footswitch input
for PTT introduced with fast frequency polling.
- ARRL RTTY Roundup now uses the correct domestic multiplier file
which includes DC.
- Added support for six digit Japanese prefectures as multipliers.
Digits are now recognizable as multipliers in domestic multiplier
files. A new exchange type is RSTLongJAPrefectureExchange. A new
contest template has been added "JA LONG PREFECT" as listed in
FCONTEST.PAS. WARNING: Large domestic multiplier files demand a
great deal of memory.
- Fixed SCP reaction time bug introduced with fast frequency polling.
- Added support for the following extended ASCII characters:
A-umlaut, A-ring, and O-umlaut. They will be recognized in the
exchange window only and can be sent as CW in messages and from
the keyboard.
- The CW speed increment used for PGUP/PGDN is customizable between
- Summary file generation now follows the naming convention for
multiple logs in a directory. The standard name is SUMMARY.DAT,
will be have SUM suffix if a log other than LOG.DAT is selected.
- Fixed Auto CQ DVK message not being repeated. There is no way to
detect the end of a DVK message. The timing for DVK messages is
measured from beginning to beginning again. DVP still works like
CW messages.
- Added POLL RADIO ONE and POLL RADIO TWO options to the CTRL-J
and LOGCFG.DAT. This was requested to allow for radios which
were not polled properly to be connected to allow commands to
be passed to them. The default is TRUE which is how TRLog
works normally.
- Because of some difficulties mislogging band mapped CQ
frequency markers they are no longer popped into the logging
window as you tune by them in S&P mode.
- TRLog no longer sends any filter information to Icom radios when
setting the frequency and mode, except for IC-765. This radio has
the narrow filter selected when in CW mode. This takes care of the
"Hey, my filter setting changed" problems while addressing the
needs of the IC-765 users.
- Added '*' as a character to insert in a CW or RTTY message.
This will act just like the '@' (insert the call from the call
window) character unless an Alt-D call (dupe check and work
call on inactive radio) is available. Then that call will be used
first. This is to allow a user to program a CW message for the
second radio when you have to be on the first radio rather than
following the Alt-D SO2R protocol.
- Added PACKET SPOT PREFIX ONLY option to the CTRL-J menu and
LOGCFG.DAT. TRLog leads the charge with the option to limit
packet spot calls to only the prefix. The default is FALSE.
- Added Icom hand shaking for "good" response from rig. For each
command sent. IcomCommandPause is now irrelavent.
IcomResponseTimeOut default is back to 300ms. Flush
RadioControlPort prior to sending new commands to be ready for
acknowledgement. More robust frequency and mode checking too.
Four byte frequency data is now only supported for IC735.
- A warning message is displayed if (some) communication problems
are detected with interfaced radios.
- Fixed "ALT-R" bug introduced in version 6.71.
- Added AUTO S&P ENABLE SENSITIVITY option to the CTRL-J menu and
LOGCFG.DAT. The range is 10 Hz/sec to 10000 Hz/sec. The default
is 1000 Hz/sec which is the same as previous versions.
- Fixed AUTO S&P ENABLE sensitivity too high in version 6.71b.
See above.
Version 6.71b - released 1 November 2002
- Fixed AUTO SAP ENABLE not working.
- Fixed Auto CQ DVP and DVK messages not stopping immediately when
ESC or a letter is entered.
Version 6.71a - released 31 October 2002
- Fixed Auto CQ not being able to escape out.
Version 6.71 - released 30 October 2002
- Added TR RESCORE command line option. This is the solution to those
contests which are hard to mult check. It can also be used to simply
rescore a contest instead of TR READ. Like the POST multiplier check
option TR RESCORE will save the current log file to PLOGxxx.BAK and
use that to rerun the contest and create a new log file. CW SPEED is
set to 99, CW TONE is set to zero, and AUTO DUPE ENABLEs are set to
false. A current hazard is that if you hit a key while the program
is running it will stop! Exit the program as you normally would when
the log is done being read in. You can now continue with POST.
- Upgraded the radio interface section to speed up radio frequency
tracking. In particular (at least with Kenwoods) you will see a much
snappier response displaying the frequency after spinning the dial.
- Added FREQUENCY POLL RATE option to the CTRL-J menu and LOGCFG.DAT.
The range is 10 to 1000 in milliseconds. I recommend running at 100ms.
It really boosts the response time as you tune. 100ms is the default,
and is quite reasonable polling at 10 times a second!
- Changed default value for ICOM Response Timeout to 100ms. ICOM
Command Pause is now ignored since TRLog now checks for a response
rather the waiting a fixed time. This goes along with the extensive
work done to the radio interface section.
- Added ExchangeRadios message command. The purpose is to make it easy
to find a new run freq on the second radio (presumably not on the best
antenna system) and swap it to the primary antenna setup. This feature
does not yet support split mode nor the setting of VFO B (Only VFO A
data is exchanged).
- Added check for Multi-Two to CQWW cabrillo generator.
- Fixed AutoCQ for DVP and DVK so it times the listening time rather
than the time from the start of the message. I also reversed the
PageUp and PageDown action so PageUp lengthens listening time and
PageDown shortens it. I was forever mixing that up.
- Added two more DVK pins to the parallel port, pins 7 and 8. They are
activated by messages DVK5 and DVK6 respectively.
- Fixed DVKDelay and some other SO2R DVK related issues.
- Added PACKET SPOT COMMENT to CTRL-J and LOGCFG.DAT options. This is a
15 character value you can specify which will be sent in the comment
field of a sent packet spot.
- Cabrillo title fixed for OCEANIA-DX contest.
- Control-V (read in a config file) improved. Will warn if file was not
found. The EX or CQ menu will also be immediately updated on screen.
- Salmon Run contest setup does not ask if you are in Washington twice
anymore. MULT BY MODE = FALSE is now the default per new rules.
A summary sheet is now supported. There was another QSO party which
asked for the state twice. That is also fixed.
- Added check for Multi-Two to NAQP cabrillo generator.
- Changed VHF designators in Cabrillo generator to new values per Trey.
- Added support for new WB0X SO2R and ZS4TX Super Combo Keyer II
Stereo/Mono input. The state of either pin 5 or pin 9 of a parallel
port may be toggled using STEREO PIN HIGH = TRUE or FALSE (default)
in LOGCFG.DAT or the CTRL-J menu as well as the function key command
PIN = 5/9 in LOGCFG.DAT to set the parallel port and pin to use. If
you use pin 5 then you cannot use the same port for DVK control. If
you use pin 9 then you cannot use the same port for band output. You
can probably think of other uses for this function!
- B VFO mode now set correctly on Kenwoods for split mode.
- Fixed IARU initial exchange bug...again!
- Fixed bug where CTRL-A in a programmed message did not adapt to mode of
inactive radio when operating SO2R on different modes (ie. IARU,
ARRL 10m)
- Added Yaesu rotator command function. Use ROTATOR TYPE = YAESU in
- Changed band map edit help string.
- Updated YO DX contest rules. Significant changes from previous rules.
- Fixed NONSSB or NONCW contacts from locking TRLog if they scrolled
off the top of the editable window.
Version 6.70 - released 10 July 2002
- Have FISTS Sprint now logging properly. Multiplier counting does not
work. The score will only show QSO points with no mults counted.
Exchange checking needs improvement. I hope to refine this more for
the Fall sprint.
- Fixed changing band map decay time from within TR from causing band
map to appear not to be decaying. Changing the decay time from the
CTRL-J menu now resets all band map entries to BAND MAP DECAY TIME.
This value is also now saved in BANDMAP.BIN so if you restart TR the
decay times will be compatible.
- Added a LOGCFG option to allow for a single keystroke to overwrite
a custom initial exchange called INITIAL EXCHANGE OVERWRITE. The
default is FALSE to maintain backward compatibility.
- Fixed some 15m spots below 21.200MHz showing as phone mode spots.
- Added support for new WAE multipliers for European stations.
(Still need to update cabrillo generator for new entry categories)
Free Version 1.06 - released 01 July 2002 based on TR Version 6.69
- Support for WRTC 2002 added to free version
Version 6.69 - released 01 July 2002
- Band map attempts to maintain some consitency across the network. As
contacts pass into the editable window from the network the band map
is updated with dupe info.
- Fixed band map getting out of synch with radio when using "home" or
"end" cursor keys during band map edit.
- Fixed LASTCQFREQ command not clearing call window.
- Fixed LASTCQFREQ not switching to CQ mode when AUTO S&P ENABLE = TRUE
for the most part. I have seen it switch to S&P, and I think it has
something to do with the timing of the radio frequency polling.
- Fixed mode being properly detected for CW reverse and RTTY reverse for
ICOM radios.
- TR will ask for Class and Section for Field Day setup. (Added to free
version 1.04 based on TR version 6.68)
- Fixed band map mode not switching properly when swapping radios.
- Fixed band map not starting in same mode/band as TR with no radio
Version 6.68 - released 12 June 2002
- Added support for ARRL Field Day 2002 rules allowing Region 2
participation. Now exchange can be class and/or QTH for DX.
Nothing else has changed in how TR handles DX stations. Scoring
will remain incorrect as it always has been.
- Fixed multi info display overwriting band map info.
- Added support for WRTC 2002. New contest type is "WRTC 2002". All
scoring is supported including /MM and /AM as 2 points no mult.
- Upgraded support for IARU contest as described below.
- If using WYSIWYGDomestic as the domestic multiplier you can also
specify a domestic multiplier file to provide a list of needed mults,
but still enter any characters sent as an exchange. This works
particularly well for the IARU Championship where you have a partial
list of HQ stations you want to keep track of, but need to be able to
work an HQ station sending an unexpected designator. ALT-G will toggle
through the multiplier displays. This in now the default setting for
the IARU Championship with IARUHQ.DOM set as the domestic multiplier
file. This file with many known and recently active designators is
- Fixed bug where repeatedly hitting down arrow in CQ mode with nothing
in the call window would cause strange things to happen.
- Fixed last CQ frequency not being set when calling CQ by the enter key
and an empty call window. This was not working even though it showed
up in the band map.
- Auto CQ frequency will now show up in the band map and be saved for
the last CQ funtion.
- Last CQ frequency and mode are now saved in RESTART.BIN. Older files
will no longer function and will be ignored.
- LASTCQFREQ command now switches the program to CQ mode when used.
- The band map now functions quite well with no radio connected. The
band map mode now tracks with the logging mode when no radio is
connected. The band map used to always show CW mode when no radio was
- When loading the band map from the call window without a radio connected
you no longer have to manually erase the call from the window to load
another. It now works just like when a call is put in the call window
while tuning S&P with the band map enabled. Typing any character other
than "enter" will replace the old call with the character typed. (This
is much harder to describe than it is to just try and see what I mean).
It saves one keystroke and was really added to help out the WRTC 2002
- When asked to enter a frequency with no radio connected with the band map
enabled you no longer need to enter MHz. It now works just like entering
a frequency in the call window when controlling the radio. Example: When
logging 20m entering either "230" or "14230" will load the band map with
someone getting QRM'd by SSTV =;)
- The band map cursor and display will follow the frequency of spots
as you enter them with no interfaced radio as well as the transmit
frequency entered with ALT-N.
- NEXTBANDMAP type commands now switch the program to S&P mode when used.
- Fixed NEXTBANDMAP type commands not putting call in call window when
something was in the window already.
- Fixed band map not properly accepting or displaying VHF entries entered
from within TR.
- Added NEXTMULTBANDMAP function key command. Cycles through the mutliplier
entries of current band and mode in the band map.
- Added NEXTMULTDISPLAYEDBANDMAP function key command. Cycles through the
mutliplier entries of the displayed band map.
- A connected radio will now return to simplex if a non split frequency is
entered in the call window.
- INSTALL.EXE will now copy FCONTEST.PAS to the install directory.
- Fixed IARU initial exchange bug.
Version 6.67 - released on 10 May 2002 quickly for FIST Sprint!
- Fixed band map range display when not showing WARC bands.
- Added indicator to band map for dupes on/off.
- Fixed name truncated in FISTS Sprint.
- Fixed Cabrillo generator for New England QSO Party.
Version 6.65a - released on 28 April 2002
- Fixed delay for SBDVP messages being recorded or sent.
Version 1.02 of SBDVP now uses a unique identifier rather
than the same one that K1EA DVP used. This allows me to
steer around the code added just after 6.63 which
broke SBDVP. You need to get the latest version from
Kevin Schmidt, W9CF, at
- Put the DVPActive check back in for K1EA DVP.
- Included the New England QSO Party DOM files this time
Version 6.65 - released on 26 April 2002
- Added support for New England QSO Party. Includes DX multiplier
limit of 20 for stations within New England! Should score properly.
POST will generate cabrillo.
- Temporarily removed check for DVPActive pending an update of SBDVP
from W9CF. This check broke SBDVP and helped K1EA DVP.
- Fixed CQ and EX MENUes to display even if more than 79 characters.
- Band map fixes
Fixed random garbage from showing up when tuned out of band.
WARC bands now display properly (but after the 'contest' HF bands).
Fixed calls with slashes not having dupe state set correctly.
Fixed Home and End keys when editting large band maps.
Cursor always returns to Home when changing display modes while editting
the band map. Too many special cases to check for otherwise.
- Band map improvements
Added LOGCFG command CALL WINDOW SHOW ALL SPOTS. The default is false.
When true in S&P mode all spots will show up in the call window
as you tune by even if they are not being displayed in the band map.
Added CTRL-Delete keystroke to delete current (highlighted) entry in
the band map from the logging window. You can use this to delete
undisplayed spots if they are showing in the call window with
Added CTRL-Insert "placeholder" keystroke. This cool feature will
insert an entry in the band map with a unique 'call'. This is useful
when S&P and you think the station is a new one, but the timing is
wrong to call. With one keystroke you can mark the frequency and
move on. The format of the 'call' is NEWmmss, where mm is the minute
and ss is the second in the hour the frequency is marked.
Changed the BAND MAP DECAY value to be any value up to 999 minutes!!
That should satisfy even the most stale spotster =:-)
When editing the band map the cursor is now placed at the current
frequency if displayed.
Version 6.64 - released 07-April-2002 - major bandmap overhaul.
- Major band map fixes.
Fixed no dupe display. No more squirrelly behavior.
Fixed cursor navigation for all supported display options.
Fixed Esc putting band map entry into call window when exiting map.
Fixed a multiplier band map entry not becoming a dupe when worked.
Fixed Alt-Y (delete log entry) so band map properly reflects the change.
Fixed radio coming out of split mode when simplex entry.
Fixed bug in save of QSX frequency. (QSX will be invalid from saved maps)
Note: Some radios do not support changing mode of B VFO (Kenwoods). As
a result the VFO mode will not update even though the freq is correct.
- Major band map improvements.
Added scrolling support when there are more entries than fit on the
screen. Both tuning the radio and moving the cursor will cause the
display to track. This works with the mouse too.
Added hot key options. When editting the band map via CTRL-END hitting
"D" or mouse button 2 will toggle dupe/no dupe display mode.
"M" will toggle current mode/all mode display mode.
"B" will toggle current band/all band display mode.
Band map display now pays attention to VHFBandsEnabled and
WARCBandsEnabled. (HF bands are always enabled).
Added LOGCFG command BAND MAP SPLIT MODE. Choices are BY CUTOFF FREQ and
AWAYS PHONE. Default is BY CUTOFF FREQ. This is an attempt to properly
handle the mode of split band map entries. The default allows tailoring
the ranges using the existing BAND MAP CUTOFF FREQUENCY command.
Added NEXTDISPLAYEDBANDMAP function key command. NEXTBANDMAP cycles
through the non-dupe entries of the current band and mode. This function
cycles through all the displayed non-dupe entries.
Added NEXTDISPLAYEDBANDMAP footswitch function.
- Added option to ALT-T. Just hit enter without entering the time and if
the network is active you will be asked if you want to pass time to other
computers on the network.
- After playing a Control-A message on inactive radio with DVP or DVK,
the active radio was enabled. This is now fixed so that the inactive
radio stays enabled.
- Fixed POST so that if you are trying to edit your TRMASTER file in
a different directory than the one that the file is located in, the
program will let you.
Version 6.63a - released on 24 February 2002
- Really fixed sent exchange in ARRL DX.
Version 6.63 - released on 24 February 2002
- When using the @ character in the middle of a QSO, and if you have
CALLSIGN UPDATE ENABLE = TRUE, the program will look for an updated
call in the exchange window and send that instead of the call window
contents. This feature will now update the CALLSIGN I CAME BACK TO
value - so the callsign won't be automatically sent with the QSL
- Alt-D was not putting the proper multiplier status up in the bandmap
for some stations. This has been fixed.
- Improved Cabrillo operation for the ARRL DX contest for stations
who have an ARRL Section different than their state/province.
- Added some more Icom Radios. Here is a complete list now:
IC706, IC706II, IC706IIG, IC707, IC725, IC726, IC728, IC729, IC735,
IC736, IC737, IC738, IC746, IC746PRO, IC756, IC756PRO, IC756PROII,
IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781.
- Added K2 as a radio type. There isn't any new functionality here
yet (still works like a Kenwood), but it sets up the program to
take advantage of some of the K2 specific commands in the future.
- Added ARRL RTTY ROUNDUP to startup menu. Added Cabrillo support for
it as well. Removed zone multipliers.
Version 6.62 - released 1 January 2002.
- Fixed Cabrillo for the Stew Perry contest.
- Improved startup of Stew to ask for Grid Square.
- Added IC706 and IC746.
Version 6.61 - released on 28 December 2001.
- Fixed ARRL10 meter Cabrillo so ARRL Section not automatically used
as sent exchange.
- Fixed possible hang if putting entry into bandmap that isn't on
a frequency in an amateur band. The program would hang with no
error message.
- Fixed band map entries not consistently making it into the call
window when S&P.
AND FISTS NUMBER OR POWER. Added FISTS contest. One exception made
is that DX mults are not counted again on different bands. TR has
no way to treat domestic and DX mults differently. Since the mult
status isn't communicated with the Cabrillo output - I assume the
sponsors will correctly determine your multiplier totals and
calculate the correct score. However, there is too much information
being exchanged in this contest and TR can't display it all. Will
work on a solution for the next release.
- Allowed display of QSO status on other bands, even if MULTIPLE BANDS
= FALSE when doing multi.
- Fixed up the NRAU contest to use updated NRAU.DOM file. Changed name
of the contest to NRAU Baltic (Thanks SM3CER and ES5QX).
- Added post support for Baltic contest.
- Fixed FQP problems: Manatee mult, mult by mode (thanks N2CU).
- Added BAND MAP DISPLAY CQ (Control-J, True). When false, CQ entries
will not appear in the band map.
- Fixed QSO points for non W/VE, but ARRL sections when working DX in
the ARRL 160 contest.
- Changed Minnesota QSO Party to use Name and QTH exchange.
- Fixed contest name for ARRL September VHF contest.
- Added Cabrillo WPX style support for AP Sprint and SAC contests.
- Updated domestic file for YO DX (thanks SM3CER).
- Changed name of the VK ZL Oceania contest to Oceania Contest.
Added Cabrillo support using the WPX format.
- Attempted to Icom type radios to same filter bandwidth as they
were already in. Please let me know how this is working and
what rought edges remain.
- Created the following radio IDs: IC707, IC725, IC726, IC728,
IC729, IC735, IC736, IC737, IC738, IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781.
The receiver addresses are properly initialized for these, so
you don't have to set them anymore. However, the radio ID
commands still work in case you have changed them from the
default - or need to support a radio not listed.
- Made LookForOnDeckCall (in LogWind) handle / in first character.
- Made \ commands only work when in call window (even though there
aren't any currently enabled).
- Added UNLIMITED category to Cabrillo routine for the SS.
- Fixed Nu entry in P14.DOM file (which isn't actually used in any
pre-programmed contest).
- Added S50P14DC.DOM and used it for the ARRL 10 meter contest.
Version 6.60 - 11 November 2001
- Ignore ESCAPE EXITS SEARCH AND POUNCE = FALSE if you have a call
ready for a second radio QSO (Alt-D). This allows you to use the
escape key to abort a second radio QSO even if ESCAPE EXITS SEARCH
- Added FT817 support. Note that the 817 does not support the QSY
feature or RIT commands.
- Added utility to POST to allow the times in your log to be changed
by a fixed number of minutes. This is very handy if you had your
clock set wrong. It will also fix the dates. POST U D.
- Increased the allowable length of the function key messages when being
read from the config file.
- Some minor improvements to the two radio mode. Using Alt-R will
clear the InactiveRadioCallingCQ flag to give better results.
Entering a callsign into the call window after a dummy CQ will
prevent an automatic CQ from launching after the second radio
QSO is logged. Pressing RETURN will then answer that station.
Version 6.59 - 19 August 2001
- When receiving a RST and SERIAL number exchange, you can increment
a serial number in the exchange window by pressing I (for increment).
- Fixed up SCP COUNTRY STRING functionality. Only put the ! at the
first character position if you want to exclude countries. Use a
comma between each country listed. Spaces are optional. For
example: K, VE, KP2, KP4, KH6, KL will include those six countries.
!JA, K, VE will exclude those three countries.
- Fixed OnDeckCall after doing a CQ on the inactive radio, so that
it comes out on the right radio. OnDeckCall is a callsign that
is entered in the exchange window with a / in front of it. When
this is done, the callsign will be put into the call window when
you log the QSO. You will have to hit ENTER again to call the
this station.
- Made Control-Enter when finsihing a two radio QSO not send CW.
Instead, a CQ will be launched on the run radio.
- Re-enabled digital mode in Cabrillo file.
- Included the NAQP.DOM file that disappeared in the past couple of
- Allowed control characters in RTTY SEND and RECEIVE command by
putting <> around two character hex value (i.e., <3F><03> ).
- Allow control characters to be specified for function key memories
in the config file (using the above syntax). These will not work
if you use the Alt-P command.
- Removed auto restart of auto CQ after a CQ mode QSO. I should have
trusted my original instints about this and never have put it in.
- Fixed FQP exchange for RST and QTH.
Version 6.58 - 24 April 2001
- Added FLORIDA QSO PARTY (or just FQP).
- Changed GetLogEntryQSONumber to allow 5 digit QSO Numbers. This fixes
POST functions on logs >= 10K QSOs.
- Improved responsiveness of footswitch for non PTT commands when using
interfaced radios.
Version 6.57 - 11 March 2001
- Fixed on deck call (\N6TR) being sent on speaker.
- Fixed ARRL 160 setup if you were in Hawaii/Alaska or US possession.
- Added new LOGCFG command - COUNT DOMESTIC COUNTRIES. Default is
FALSE. Lets you count DX countries for domestic QSOs in addition
to the domestic multiplier.
- Fixed up Russian DX contest QSO points, added CE9 as a domestic
country and fixed initial exchange so it is blank for non russians.
Also, made sure domestic countries count along with the oblast.
- Added UBA Contest and QSO Point method.
- Added CQ WPX RTTY contest - and CQ WPX RTTY QSO point method.
- Improved immunity of Cabrillo generator to non QSO entries (like
- Fixed LOG WITH SINGLE ENTER config command problem (always on).
- Made AutoCQs resume automatically after QSO.
- Fixed PE (Prince Edward Island) in domestic files that have Canada.
Version 6.56 - 1 December 2000
- Fixed POST not doing dupe check.
- Fixed runtime 204 with invalid input for frequency when entering
band map frequency manually.
- Doubled length of DVK start pulse.
- Fixed FT100 frequency reading and split operation.
Version 6.55 - 14 November 2000
- Allowed Alt-D command to be process after entering a callsign
and AUTO CALL TERMINATE. However, the CQ EXCHANGE won't be sent
until the Alt-D window is closed. However, at least now you won't
be entering the callsign into the call window.
- Added DUPE SHEET ENABLE (Control-J - True). When FALSE disables
the addition of calls to the dupesheet. This might be used if
you don't care about working dupes and want to conserve memory.
- When entering an exchange while making a second radio QSO with the
Alt-D function, you may now enter a callsign of a station who is
answering your "dummy" CQ. You can enter it in the exchange window
by putting a / in the front of the call (i.e., 12A 67NTX /N6TR).
When you do this - there will be no CQ called at the end of the
QSO and N6TR will be put into the call window ready for you to
answer by pressing RETURN.
- Control-] gives a new info screen. This shows the time on
distribution by band in minutes and percent. It also shows
you QSO distribution for Europe, NA and Asia by band with
percent. This is called the CT1BOH info screen since it was
his idea.
- New RESTART.BIN version number. This eliminates any risk of
program crashes as a result of starting the program up with
an older .RST file.
- Fixed blinking band map display when two interfaced radios are
on different modes.
- Added display of the band/mode of the bandmap.
- When sending a command to the radio in a CW message - along with
a CW message - some radios (Kenwood) will ignore the command when
sending CW. The program will now send the command - waiting for
it to be processed by the radio, and then send the CW.
- If you put a command in a message (using Control-C and Control-D),
the program would hang if you forgot the Control-D. This has been
fixed so the command will just be ignored and the program won't
- Added SRSI to SRS commands to send inactive radio to chosen frequency.
- Fixed TenTen for custom initial exchanges and user info.
Version 6.54 - 26 October 2000
- Fixed POST DAT file merge procedure.
- Fixed PTT TURN ON DELAY just before sending exchange with auto start
Version 6.53 - 3 October 2000
- Updated VK/ZL contest.
- Changed Salmon Run QSO Point Method to 4 CW and 2 SSB.
- Added ALWAYS CALL BLIND CQ (default = FALSE, Control-J). Will launch
exchange memory F7 automatically on CW when the CQ EXCHANGE is finished.
- Made CALLSIGN UPDATE ENABLE work when using @ in exchange.
- Added NU to ARRL DX contest for DX stations.
- Changed NO to NG in HUNGARY.DOM
- Fixed "C" and "N" to resend call and number in WAE when using
- Made "UP" case insensitive when in the CALL WINDOW POSITION command.
- Fixed PACKET SPOT KEY in config file.
- Made START SENDING NOW KEY = SPACE only work when in the call window
with at least one letter in the window.
- Improved NAQP VE mults.
Version 6.52 - Released on 3 August 2000.
- Added PACKET SPOT KEY (default = `). This key is used to automatically
send the call in the call window, or the last call worked to the packet
network. The key was previously `, but can now be changed if you don't
have that key on your keyboard.
- Allowed SPACE for START SENDING NOW KEY command. It was requested
to be able to start sending CW with the SPACE BAR. This will now
be possible by putting START SENDING NOW KEY = SPACE in your config
file. Please note that this feature has not been tested during a
contest and might have some unintended results.
- Added PACKET SPOT DISABLE (false, Control-J). When TRUE, the
packet spot key will not work.
- Added ability to program delay into DVK messages. Use Control-C
followed by DVKDELAY=xxxx and then Control-D in the message.
xxxx is the number of milliseconds to delay. You can program
a Control-C when using the Alt-D message editor by pressing
Control-P first and then Control-C.
- Fixed up UKRAINIAN contest:
- Now appears on contest menu.
- Counts CQDXCC countries
- Puts UR in as a domestic country.
- Allowed 00 for Zone exchange in EU contest. Fixed up remaining
multiplier list to start at zero.
Version 6.51 - Released on 1 August 2000.
- When TAB MODE = CONTROLF, I also made Shift-Tab work as Control-A.
This will make Shift-Tab move you to the next field to the left.
- Added OHIO QSO PARTY. Make sure MY STATE = OH before your contest
statement in the LOGCFG.DAT file to make it work for Ohio stations.
- Added AP SPRINT contest (Asia-Pacific Sprint).
- Made the ITU Zone default for VE2 zone 4 (it was zone 9).
- Updated VE multiplier names in most of the .DOM files. The actual
names are used instead of prefixes.
There is no Control-J support for this command. It will move the
call window and the information to the left of it up one line. It
also changes the color of the call window to match the editable
window. This makes the band/mode/date/time/QSO number and Call
Window look like they are part of the editable log window.
- Exit editable log edit with you press the down-arrow key while at
the bottom entry. Don't forget about the CONFIRM EDIT CHANGES
command if you want to exit without the Save Changes prompt.
- Made default RST work for RSTAndPostalCode exchange (ROPOCCO test).
It was being left blank unless you entered it into the exchange
- Added LOG WITH SINGLE ENTER command (control-J - false). This will
act just as if you pressed RETURN to answer a station and then
Control-Enter to log the station instantly without sending the
- Fixed wrong IARU zone default for MyZone.
Version 6.50 - Released on 4 June 2000.
- Fixed up Cabrillo for WPX and other contests.
- Updated All Asian with new QSO point structure.
- Made some refinements to the procedure to add a call to the band map
to try and eliminate some run time #204 failures seen in the WPX
contest by several stations. This isn't guaranteed to fix the problem
since I wasn't able to reproduce it - but I did find a potential
smoking gun.
- Fixed some calls disappearing from call window when hitting RETURN.
This was because I had left a debug message in the code that was added
when working on some SCP issues - probably in 6.48.
- Fixed Band/mode remaining mult window format when mult by mode.
- Fixed ASK FOR FREQUENCIES with no input from crashing program.
Version 6.49 - Released on 2 May 2000
- Fixed garbage when deleting last entry in band map.
- Fixed ARRL DX Cabrillo routine to support DX stations and multi two.
- Fixed dupes in possible calls from SCP.
- Fixed runtime error 201 at end of POST UEA or UEFF.
- Fixed dupes showing up in possible calls from SCP (broken in 6.48).
- Fixed RT 201 at end of POST UEA or UEFF (broken in 6.48).
- Improved the LocateCall procedure to instantly process the same call
if it was the last call processed. This results in faster performance
during the logging process as this routine is called several times.
Version 6.48 - Released 17 February 2000.
- Fixed Cabrillo format for Sprint.
- Fixed Icom bugs in LOGK1EA. There were two problems - one that prevent
most of the radios from working at all. Data could be sent to the radio
but not received. Some newer radios might have worked okay - but
possibly with wrong mode information.
- Tried to improve operation when operating split with the band map.
- Added WestCentralFlorida section (WCF) to ARRL sections.
- Fixed runtime error 204 at 0CB9:017B (in SCP routine). This was
never in a released version.
- Added load of country file when doing log prompt so the country stuff
gets initialized okay. This was causing problems for some contests
where the QSO point method wouldn't work right until you restarted
the program.
- Updated TenTenQSO Point Method.
- More memory conserving techniques - frees up about 27K.
- New TRMASTER stuff to fix dupes and allow lots more calls in POST.
Most, or all, reported issues with adding files to the database
should be resolved by this.
Version 6.47 - Released 13 January 2000.
- Added NAQP.DOM for the NAQP contest which includes VY0.
- Improved the operation of the Base64 decoder (TR B64DECODE).
- Fixed Cabrillo format for putting space after number sent in SS. The
Cabrillo format is still not totally implemented for contests other
than the SS and CQ WW. I will be getting to more for the next release.
- Big changes to the bandmap. Separate bandmaps are now stored for each
band and mode. This means a call can appear on more than one band/mode
at a time. New commands to support this include:
BAND MAP ALL BANDS and BAND MAP ALL MODES (both in Control-J) to allow
you to view all bands - or both modes - on one band map. The default
value is FALSE.
BAND MAP CUTOFF FREQUENCY - used to set the CW/SSB transition frequency
for a band. The defaults are shown below. The program will figure out
the right band based upon the frequency you input (in Hertz).
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band160] := 1840000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band80] := 3700000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band40] := 7100000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band30] := 10150000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band20] := 14100000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band17] := 18110000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band15] := 21200000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band12] := 24930000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band10] := 28300000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band6] := 50100000;
BandMapModeCutoffFrequency [Band2] := 144200000;
- Added NEXTBANDMAP CW function key command. This will advance you to
the next non dupe entry in bandmap. Also added as a footswitch mode.
- Added CW GRANT footswitch mode. When starting to send CW, the PTT
signal will be asserted, but CW won't be sent until the footswitch
input is asserted (grounded).
- Added digital filter for Icom frequency reading. This is an attempt
to eliminate the problems with missing band information.
- Fixed multi/network crash by increasing stack size to 24500. This may
also result in more stable operation even when not using the multi
network and packet.
- Removed LOGDUPE and LOGSTUFF from overlays. Reduced overlay buffer to
100K. This was done to try an improve some of the slow responses.
- Totally reworked bandmap stuff - increased speed - reduce memory used.
- Added BAND MAP DUPE DISPLAY to the config file commands.
- Removed AutoStartSend arrow showing up after Control-J in S&P mode.
- Made MULTI INFO MESSAGE changed in Control-J be sent right away.
Version 6.46 - Released 24 November 1999
- Implemented new packet unit - improved QSX parsing.
- Changed .CAB Cabrillo file extension to .CBR.
- Improved Alt-T to allow input of seconds.
- Increased the size of the overlay buffer. This will result in
slightly less free memory, but reduce the amount of activity of
overlays being loaded. On some slower machines - the new setting
was too aggressive and resulted in poor performance. This might
also be the fix for some of the packet/netowrk issues seen by some.
- Fixed floppy error message not displayed long enough to see it.
- Tried to fixed Icom radios sometimes showing NON for the band due
to missing byte in communication. However, I am not sure I have
really fixed anything yet.
- Added PACKETINPUTFILE startup command. Next parameter is filename
of ASCII file to process. Spots will be loaded in from the file
two per second. They will be passed around to the network just as
if they were received from a TNC. There is also a file PACKET.ZIP
included with the program with one month's worth of data to play
with. The format for the file is the same as the generated when
using the PACKET LOG FILENAME command.
- Fixed JIDX summary sheet not showing multipliers.
- Sometimes notes entered into the log would be processed for partial
call and initial exchange data. This would result in some strange
entries into the partial/possible call list. This has been fixed.
- Fixed delay when starting a CW message with ALL CW MESSAGES CHAINABLE.
Before - a space character would always be added to the start of the
message. This now only happens if CW is still being sent.
- Fixed TWO RADIO MODE getting confused if you hit ESCAPE while
the program is calling the station you did Alt-D on. Before,
if you pressed ESCAPE before the program finished calling the
station (i.e., "DE W5WMU") - the two radio state machine would
be in the wrong state. Also, note that the SPRINT QSY MODE
is not to be used in SS with TWO RADIO MODE. It will result
in the QSO not being cleared out properly.
- Moved display with AUTO DISPLAY DUPE QSO to after CW starts up.
This removes a small delay that might happend before the QSO
BEFORE message is sent.
- Removed a blank line in the Control-J menu before the TAB MODE entry.
Also - fixed the RADIO TWO TRACKING ENABLE DISPLAY entry to show the
correct data.
- Fixed the RADIO ONE TYPE command so it will accept lower case entries.
Version 6.45 - Released 24 October 1999?
- POST Q C would sometimes ignore you if you wanted to process names.
It should be more reliable now.
- POST U E S (sort TRMASTER file) will remove dupes from the file. Data
will all be merged into one record.
- POST U E F V (vanity call update) would not work properly when not
saving all calls to the the database. This has been fixed.
- The TRMASTER.DTA format has been modified so that the JA cell is
not used. This should have no impact to the portability of
MASTER.DTA files to TR. There is no impact to the operation.
However, your TRMASTER.DTA file will be a little smaller the
next time you build it from the ASCII file.
- Improved error detection in the case of file read errors with
- Fixed U E F F for non TR logs and no data (just callsigns). It
was totally broken in this mode.
- Added HEXCONVERT startup command. Convert either Hex to Decimal or
Decimal to Hex. Enter hex values with an H at the end of them.
- Fixed bug with SS start up information not being saved to config file.
- Made ] send last RST even after QSO is logged.
- Added initial attempt at Cabrillo format for SS and CQ WW. Still some
improvements to be made. There will probably be a better attempt
made in the next release - but what is there should work for the
CQ contest. It can be found in the main menu of POST.
- Added SWAP RADIO RELAY SENSE to allow the polarity of the radio control
relay to be reversed. It is available on the Control-J menu and the
default value is FALSE.
- Improved GetGrid defaults for YB and BY (Thanks VR2BG).
- Fixed precedence question for startup for SS.
- Fixed WAE bugs with QTCQRS and QTC EXTRA SPACE.
- Fixed packet spots > 2 GHz from crashing program.
- Fixed FT1000MP acting like FT1000 (1/16th frequency displayed).
- Added ViewRadioDebug startup command. Allows you to view the contents
of a radio.dbg file (created with the startup command radiodebug) using
the same algorithm that the program would use if it was interfaced to
the radio.
Version 6.44 - 27 September 1999
- Fixed Icom radios not displaying frequencies over 100 MHz.
- Added BAND MAP DUPE DISPLAY (default = TRUE, Control-J). When FALSE,
dupes are not shown in the band map.
- Made STDCFG.DAT commands execute before the .CFG file. This means
changes you make to the .CFG file with Control-J will take effect.
- Added SWAP PACKET SPOT RADIOS (default = FALSE, Control-J) which will
reverse which radio gets selected when sending a packet spot to a
specific radio when using the Alt-U command and left or right keys.
- Changed IC756 to operate like IC781 with respect to setting the narrow
filter when updating frequency.
- Fixed mults for OJ0 in SAC contest.
- Improved default grid calculations for bunch of countries which improves
the accuracy of sunrise/sunset, distance and beam headings. Countries
that now use prefix include CE, CP, EA, EU, HK, JA, K, LU, OA, OH, PY,
SM, UA, UA9, UK, UN, UR, VE, VK, XE, YV, ZL, ZP and ZS. UA, UA9, UK, UN
and UR use full oblasts for even better resolution.
- Disabled AUTO SEND CHARACTER COUNT feature if the call entered so far
has / in it. This keeps it from starting for calls like JA1/WB6ZVC.
- Fixed REMINDERS and TOTAL SCORE MESSAGES in config file.
- Attempted to fix bug with band map call sometimes blank in call
window. For those of you who have seen this - please let me know
if I have succeded.
- Updated SWEEPSTAKES to accept U M and S for precedences.
- Fixed jerky CW with Keyboard Sending if radio interfaced.
- Fixed PADDLE BUG ENABLE command in config file.
- Fixed DIGITAL MODE ENABLE entry into config file when being saved
from Control-J menu.
- Made IOTA summary sheet ask if you were at home or DX-pedition.
- Updated Russian contest - HFC - KVP - CROATIAN contests.
- Added QTC QRS (Control-J - True) will slow down QTCs being sent.
- Added QTC EXTRA SPACE (Control-J - True) will add extra spaces to
QTCs being sent.
- Made ESCAPE KEY abort sending of "QTC?" message.
- Made ControlEnter and AltK key work when receiving QTCs.
- Allowed cursor keys to edit QTC received message. Also, INSERT and
the cursor control keys (ControlA, S, D, F, G and T).
- Fixed sending QTCs to a station that is contained in the QTC.
Version 6.43 released on 18 August 1999.
- Updated HFC contest and improved defaults.
- Made Domestic mult status from initial exchange use last entry first.
- Fixed SENDCW command.
- Fixed ARRL FD exchanges coming from TRMASTER when using simulator.
- TUNE FOR DITS (control-J false). Sends dits at 75 WPM when left shift
and control keys depressed.
- Fixed floppy save crashing. Under certain amounts of available memory,
an amount of memory exceeding the amount available was attempted to be
secured. This resulted in an IO error, which would result in either a
program crash or strange behavior.
- Reworked much of the memory stuff in LogSCP. I did find one or two
things that might have been risky and could explain some of the
flaky operation people have seen when using the TRMASTER.DTA file.
- Improved memory usage of TR by using more overlays. I believe I
have saved 30K without affecting program performance. If you notice
some slower operation, please let me know.
- Fixed POST not allowing you to specify log name if no .CFG files.
Version 6.42 released on 5 July 1999.
- Undid problem with IARU and countries created in 6.30.
- Fixed cursor in wrong window after sending keyboard CW.
- Made REGION ONE FIELD DAY /m stations count as /p stations.
- Made initial exchanges for FD come up using MY FD CLASS and MY SECTION.
- Fixed FT100 frequency display.
Version 6.41 - Released on 7 June 1999.
- Added KIDS DAY contest. Simply logs whatever you put into the
exchange window. Added KIDS exchange received. This is probably
a useful thing for other applications as well.
- Added USE BIOS KEY CALLS - (default = TRUE, Control-J). In order to
use the F11 and F12 keys, TR had to interface directly to the hardware
because many older BIOS programs didn't know about these keys.
However, this makes it impossible to use other TSR program with TR.
TR will now use BIOS calls as a default. If your BIOS doesn't support
F11 and F12, you can go back to the old method by setting USE BIOS KEY
- Made many TRMASTER improvements. Found some minor bugs that probably
explain some of the crashing some of you have noticed. I also
improved the memory management so that less memory is used for
smaller databases. This will result in very "random" memory
available displays, but unless you are using a monster database,
there should be more memory free than before.
- Fixed bug with POST U E F D (merge two .DTA files). I have now used
this to combine two very large databases. It does take awhile to do,
but it does work.
- Fixed POST U S (generate summary of restart file) command to work with
new filename standard.
- Made POST U E F F (load data into TRMASTER from ASCII file) to process
up to 10 different data items at once.
- Made POST less memory hungry.
- Added single line display buffer for unsent characters when using the
keyboard send feature. You can use the delete or backspace character
to correct typing mistakes before the code goes out on the air.
- Allow HELLO.DAT in same directory as other files (CTY.DAT).
- Fixed QUICK QSL KEY 2 command (was setting value for KEY 1). The
QUICK QSL KEY 2 is normally the equal sign and it sends the
QUICK QSL MESSAGE 2 (default is dit-dit). This gives you an
additional way to end CQ QSOs. This was a previously undocumented
- Made Control-U use call in exchange window string if CALLSIGN UPDATE
ENABLE is enabled. Before, the program would use the call in the
call window.
Version 6.40 - Released on 7 May 1999
- Improved showing of beam headings grids during entering them in the
exchange window. Also when coming from TRMASTER as initial exchange.
- Made initial exchanges from TRMASTER that are DomesticQTHs show their
mult status when coming up in the exchange window.
- Allowed TR to be started up with the prefix of a config file specified
which will automatically start that contest up (no selection screen).
- Fixed sent RST not being used with TR READ.
- Made /P calls not drop the /P when doing lookups in TRMASTER except
for name or FOC numbers.
- Fixed IS0 with wrong QSO points and exchange in ARI test.
- Fixed NAME FLAG ENABLE not working (name flag was always enabled).
- Fixed VE0 in RAC contest so it takes a serial number, but still counts
for 10 points.
- Created P13.DOM with VY0 added for RAC contest.
command is still supported. Use Control-P to send the rotator to
the last displayed beam heading.
- Added FT100 to radio list. However, I am not sure there was any
difference between this and the FT920 setting. Let me know if it
has any issues.
- Fixed USER 4 and USER 5 overwrite change commands in POST. They were
affecting USER 3 status instead.
- Added BAND MAP DECAY TIME (control-J, default = 60) in minutes. Note
this applies to entries as they are added to the band map. Entries
made with a different value will still decay with their old time.
- Added RST PREFECTURE as legal value for EXCHANGE RECEIVED. This is
used for the JA INTERNATIONAL DX contest. Note that the QTHs will
show up with a "p" in front of them when shown as multipliers.
- Changed prefecture multipliers for JA INTERNATIONAL DX contest to
domestic multipliers similar to ALL JA contest. Improved visability
of remaining mults during QSO process.
- Allowed six digit grid squares to be entered instead of four, but
still use four digits for the mult.
- Added PACKET LOG FILENAME command (control-J). When set to a filename,
all packet spots received will be saved to this file.
- Fixed RANDOM CQ MODE messing up the Control-J menu.
- Change DKT in OKOM.DOM to DKL.
- Updated intial CQ EXCHANGE for ROPOCO contest to 5NN ). Eliminated
postal code form start up questions. Added ROPOCO.DOM file and enabled
domestic multipliers.
- Added EUROPEAN SPRINT contest. Added EUROPEAN SPRINT as legal QSO
- Added AUTO RETURN TO CQ MODE (Control-J - default = TRUE). When TRUE
and you press the RETURN key in S&P mode - with the cursor in the call
window AND no information in the call or exchange windows - you will
be put into the CQ mode and CQ MESSAGE F1 will be initiated.
- Fixed All Asian and All JA entries in log prompt.
- Many improvements to the All JA contest (previously released only in
Japan two weeks ago).
- Eliminated prefectures 115 to 118 in All JA.
- Pretty much gave up on Aurora stuff RSTs.
- Fixed sent RST not working when using [ character in exchange.
- Fixed LOOK FOR RST SENT not showing up in Control-J menu.
- Added Alt-N option for sending Control-J parameter to network. This
will send the hilighted Control-J paramter to all of the computers
on the network. The change will also be added to the config file
so that it will still be there if the program is restarted.
- Fixed missing exchange for MICH QSO PARTY outside of MI.
- Released a special 6.39 to Tack with All JA improvements including
remaining display, made precedence H/M/L/P and added prefectures 48-50.
Version 6.39 released on 16-Apr-99.
- Updated IOTA QSO Point method to new rules. You get 15 points for
working an IOTA other than your own. Otherwise, you get 3 points.
- Attempted to fix crash with big packet frequencies greater than 1 GHz.
- Made ZZ00 not be accepted as a legal grid square in exchanges.
- Made notes in LOGCFG file that start with ; require space before the ;.
This fixes problems with having ; enbeded in a string that might be
sent to a radio (like Kenwoods).
- Fixed garbage in call window when using the Control-B command with
Auto-CQ active.
- Fixed turning on of DVP in Control-J. Made DVP ON disappear when
turning off DVP from Control-J.
- Made PTT HOLD COUNT of 0 not "hang" PTT.
- Removed RST ALL JA PREFECTURE AND POWER exchange and replaced it
contest now uses a single letter (H, M, L or P) to identify power.
Allows most any order for exchange information, but no duplication
of entry data allowed. 57923C will work as well (RST 579, Pref = 23
and power = C). On CW, 23 579 C will also work, but on SSB, it won't.
- Fixed summary sheet not coming up for Russian contest.
- Added ask for your state if selecting any of the QSO parties from menu.
- Added MIGHIGAN QSO PARTY (OR MICH QSO PARTY). Make sure to either
run TR NEW and answer if you are in MICH - or put MY STATE = MI
in the LOGCFG.DAT file BEFORE your CONTEST statement if you are in
- Changed MQP to MN QSO PARTY (to avoid confusion with MICH QSO PARTY).
- Updated SP DX contest for non SP stations. Added SP.DOM.
- Added LOOK FOR RST SENT (false - Control-J). Allows sent RST to be
entered with S prefix in exchange field. Works with RS on SSB too.
- Allowed for aurora RS(T)s on 6 and 2 meters for both sent and received.
- Added RADIUS OF EARTH parameter (default = 0). Enter in meters.
When something is entered, the default internal to the program will
be overwritten.
- Fixed bug when trying to set a key (like start sending now) to ;.
Version 6.38 - 16 March 1999.
- Fixed name of domestic files for Wisconsin QSO Party.
- Fixed WWL contest multipliers:
- Grid fields instead of grid squares for mults.
SEARCH AND POUNCE MODE in LOGCFG.DAT file. This eliminates an
incompatability with the name Control-J uses when saving this
Version 6.37 - 11 March 1999.
it can be found on the Control-J menu. If you set it to FALSE, you
will have to use SHIFT-TAB to go back into the CQ MODE.
- Added RSGB QSO point method. This scores zero points for a QSO in
your own country, 5 points for Europe, 30 for Oceania and 15 for
the remaining continents.
- Added NAME FLAG ENABLE. The default is TRUE and it can be found
on the Control-J menu. When FALSE, the asterisks that appear in
the log when you know the name of a station are disabled.
- Fixed bug with unwanted CW being sent with QSL BUT NO LOG option.
- Added - to send 1.5 * dah length. This might be a cool chracter
to use for your leading zeros.
- Fixed summary sheet not working for Croatian and Minnesota QSO Party.
- Fixed some reports not working because they were always looking
for LOGCFG.DAT - even if you selected a different log.
- Fixed band map cursor position if multi info window is up.
- Added { character to send complete corrected callsign in call ok
message. Before, there wasn't a way to send the complete call
of the station you just finished working.
- Fixed null character appearing in multi notes.
- Tried to fix missing grids from band map updates in Stew Perry.
Version 6.36 - Released on 14 December 1998
- Added new startup command "TR NEW". This will bring you to the menu
to select a new contest. You will also be asked what filename you
want to save your files under.
- When starting up TR or POST with more than one config file present in
the working directory, a menu will be presented allowing you to select
which set of files you want to use.
- Added automatic CW exchange generation for ARRL 10. Assumes you have
MY QTH or MY STATE setup. If you are outside W/VE, it does the serial
number automatically as well.
- Made MY QTH which acts the same as MY STATE in LOGCFG.DAT.
- The band map will now update the multiplier status for all band map
entries when working a new station.
- Many fixes to WAE QTC routines if you are outside Europe.
- Fixed bug if you made over 600 QSOs.
- Allow you to view the QTC.DAT file with Control-L key.
- Put note in log when a QTC is finished.
- Improved some keystrokes to make sure accidents don't happen.
- Fixed bug with improper initialization of QTCs when restarting program.
- Added way to send a string to radio serial interface ports. These
are message commands, so you would program a function key to send
a message to the radio as follows:
SRS=message - Sends message to active radio.
SRS1=message - Sends message to radio 1.
SRS2=message - Sends message to radio 2.
Please see section 4.2 of the manual for more information on how
to use the control-C and control-D commands in a CW message.
For example, if you wanted to program a key to make your Kenwood
radio use the narrow CW filter, you would program the following
You would program this by using the Alt-P command to access the
function key you want to program. Then press control-P followed
by control-C to enter the control-C character, then type "SRS=FL010009;",
then control-P and control-D to finish the command.
This command can also be used to activate the digital voice keyer on
some radios.
- Fixed bug with Alt-=. If you turned off the CW monitor tone with this
command while the tone was one, it would stay on.
- Fixed last total line of POST L C not showing up (band/mode logs).
- Not allow JA Prefectures > 50 to be entered.
- Went to European distance for European VHF QSO Point method. This
routine gives different distances than the normal routine. Will
someone in Europe please confirm if it is working as expected?
- SCP COUNTRY STRING allows ! or - at start to make it exclude countries
instead of including them.
- STDCFG.DAT is a file you can put in the same directory as your
TR.EXE file and the program will always execute it as if you had
used INPUT CONFIG FILE for it. It is executed after all the other
LOGCFG.DAT commands are processed.
- Made POST's L P (pull computer ID into log) command process notes.
- Added computer ID to notes added with Control-N.
- Made " clear RIT. This is because on most keyboards, you have to
press the SHIFT key to get to the " character and it makes the RIT
move when you probably didn't want it to.
- Fixed POST's R L from crashing.
Version 6.35 - Released on 2 December 1998
- Fixed a number of crash possibilities in some of POSTs report
- Made TR READ keep computer IDs.
- Allowed for the space character as a computer ID in the POST utility
that pulls out QSOs made by one computer.
Version 6.34 - Released on 20 November 1998
- Added MODEM PORT. This can be used along with the multi port to
allow connection of a second port over a dedicated modem off a
second serial port on a computer. Also, MODEM PORT BAUD RATE.
- Fixed Control-F1 not working for DVP and DVK program. Using Control-F1
to Control-F10 will instantly allow you to re-record DVP or DVK memories
F1 to F1.
- Improved DVK and two radio stuff functionality.
- Changed WPX QSO Point method to give one point for own country
(regardless of band). This complies with the new rules coming
up next year.