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Post-Contest Analysis
TR LOG offers many post-contest
log analysis functions for the serious and aspiring contest operator! In
addition to preparing logs and summaries for submission to contest sponsors,
use TR LOG to dupe logs, generate rate sheets, generate multiplier
distributions, separate logs band-by-band, and more!
- Cabrillo File Format
TR LOG supports the Cabrillo Log File Format for submission of contest
logs to the ARRL and other contest sponsors.
- Filter Logs
Analyze logs by including or excluding specific multipliers from the
- Log Reports
Generate reports that show band changes, continent distributions,
multipliers worked, QSO distributions, prefixes worked, and CQ or
ITU zones worked.
- OH2MM CQ World Wide Report
A suite of contest log analysis tools specifically designed for the
CQ World Wide DX Contest.
- Print QSL Labels
Print QSL information on adhesive labels using your printer.